Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ben there, done that to the economy

Our pitiful economy has me waxing poetic. With apologies to Dr. Seuss, I present my own interpretation of Green Eggs and Ham.

In honor of bumbling Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, here’s Nest Eggs and Clams:

That Bernanke-I-am!
That Bernanke-I-am!
I do not like that Bernanke-I-am!
Don’t you like nest eggs and clams?
“I don’t like prosperity – that’s how I am.”

Would you like another bull market?
Would you like a new Lexus and a place to park it?
“I would not like a stock rally to occur.
“And I don’t need a car – I’ve got a chauffeur.
“I do not like this Dow Jones sham.
“I do not like it, ’cause Bernanke-I-am.”

Ben is rarely on the money 
Would you like to raise interest rates above zero?
Would you like to be a saver’s hero?
“I do not like 1 percent interest rates.
“I do not like them in the 50 states.”

Would you like a government spending cut?
Would you? Could you? Feel it in your gut?
“I would not, could not, I must confess.
“I might have to stop my printing press.”

A pain! A pain!
A pain! A pain!
Could you, would you, stop being a pain?

“Not a dollar with value! Not a good word to wow you!
“Not a gold standard considered! Let me be insane!
“I would not, could not, stop quantitative easing.
“I could not, would not, stop Central Bank sleazing.
“I will not slow my T-bill buys.
“I will not encourage free enterprise.
“I will not worry if stock prices fall.
“I will not debate policy with Ron Paul.
“I do not like sound money, so scram!
“I don’t like much, since Bernanke-I-am.”

You do not like capitalism. You’ve got nerve.
Is there any good you do at the Federal Reserve?

“Say! I do one good thing – it’s true!
“There IS something worthwhile that I do!
“Were it not for my prominent position, you see,
“They’d have nothing to talk about at CNBC!”

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